Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo is located in Toronto, Ontario. Its founder was successful industrialist Mr. Hugh A. Crothers. It was opened in August 1974. It was earlier called Metropolitan Toronto Zoo. It was located near River Rouge. It is largest zoo in Canada with 710 acres of area. It is divided into seven geographic zoo regions. The regions are named as Africa, America, Tundra, Indo Malaya, Autralasia, Eurasia, and Canadian Domain. Some animal in this zoo are displayed indoors and some are displayed outdoors in natural environments. In this zoo there are some other areas such as Waterside theatre, Splash Island and Kids Zoo.

This zoo has most diverse collection of animals that are displayed here , it is currently having 5000 animals that are representing 450 species. The zoo is a most popular zoo in Canada, and every year thousands of visitors come to see these rare animals. There are seven regions that showcase different and rare species of animals and plants.

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