Tuesday 2 September 2014

Haida Gwaii, BC

Haida Gwaii is a series of islands in British Columbia. These islands are made up of ancient rainforest, scluded inlets, quaint villages and wide and long beaches. It was commonly known as Queen Cherlotte Islands. In 2009 the BC government changed the name of the island to Haida Gwaiiit consists of two main islands that are Graham Island and Moresby Island along with other 150 smaller islands. It has total land area of 10180 km square.Some of the islands are under federal legislation protection like Haida Heritage Site and Gwaii Haanas National Reserve and some of them are protected under provincial legislation like Naikoon Provincial park on Graham island. There is abundance of wildlife including largest species of black bear, stoat, black tailed deer and raccoon.

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