Monday 15 September 2014

Moraine Lake in Alberta

Moraine Lake is a lake in Banff National Park, outside the Lake Louise, Alberta in Canada. It is located in the Valley of Ten Peaks. The water of the lake is of beautiful blue color. It is just like heaven on the earth. It is nature's gift to human being. One should definitely go to that lake to enjoy natural beauty of the lake.

This lake is glacially fed lake that does not reach its crust until mid June. When it is full, it reflects various shades of blue. This blue shade is due to refraction of sunlight in the lake water. The area is around the lake has many hiking and walking trails. These trails are most attractive part of the area. The Rockpile Trail along the moraine lake is 300 meters long, the view of the lake from the top of the rockpile is one of the most photogenic locations is all Canada. This view of the lake is called Twenty Dollar View.

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